John Tracey's Soapbox

Saturday, September 30, 2006

Preventing Terrorism in Australia (or not)

This article Preventing Terrorism in Australia (or not) suggests that the continued oppression of Aboriginal people in Australia is a major potential cause for the development of a terrorist movement in Australia. We forget that this country lived through a 150 year guerilla war. All the non-violent gains of the 20th century have been wound back - ATSIC, native tile, the Northern Territory land rights laws, the Royal Commission into Aboriginal Deaths in custody has been ignored - The racism and intransigence of successive state and federal governments has built an explosive situation just waiting to be ignited. The riot in redfern and the burning of the Palm Island police comlex are indications of the desperation and directionlessness faced by many Aboriginal Australians.
I wrote the article a while ago but unfortunately its relevence seems to be increasing with time, not decreasing.

Palm Island Aboriginal Community

The Queensland Coroner recently handed down it's findings into the 2004 death in the Palm Island watch house. The Coronorer's findings said "The starting point for consideration of any comments must be by reference to recommendations of the Royal Commission into Aboriginal Deaths in Custody.

It is reprehensible that the detailed recommendations of the Royal Commission into Aboriginal
Deaths in Custody should have to be referred to, so many years after the Royal Commission. The
evidence is clear however that these recommendations are still apt and still ignored."
-Chris Clements Acting State Coroner 27 September 2006

Palm Island background from Andrew Bartletts website (I wrote it). Bartlett often has discussions on Aboriginal issues on his blog based on his visits to Aboriginal communites as well as big national issues. Here is one on Woorabinda (another Aboriginal comminuty in Qld.) Woorabinda II- housing funding threatened

Palm Island background from

The coroners finding on the 2004 death in the Palm Island watchhouse

Sex, Political Dinosaurs and the Evolution of the Bloggosphere.

"Having failed to evolve computer skills at a pace to match the evolution of the technology, we seasoned warriors have been left behind by the young whipper-snappers who are denied our wisdom because they cant find it through google."

read article here LINK!

Questions from the floor

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