John Tracey's Soapbox

Thursday, October 05, 2006

Land Claims in Cyberspace - from

An excerpt from my article "Land claims in cyberspace" at

Why is culture an issue? Quite simply – most whitefellas are on the Internet and most blackfellas aren’t. This is not just an economic or a technological divide, it is also a cultural divide as the Internet is a major maker of culture in the same way as television or books are.

full article here


  • At 6:07 AM, Blogger jessica said…

    As it seems the Internet is not really within the confines of the culture, and nor should it have to be in order to make their voices heard, and their culture and traditions known to the "white world" or the digital network. I think it's also up to travelers and neighbors to reach out and let their communities know about Aboriginals and not give them the wrong impression. I saw this video about Mumbulla, which is not about the people, but about the lush scenery and wildlife. CHeck it out, I think these things are the start for the "voice" of Aboriginal Communities :


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